Digital Technologies Applied to Music Research: Methodologies, Projects and Challenges
27-29 June 2024, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – NOVA University Lisbon

Join us for an insightful exploration of the intersection of digital technologies and music research!
The ongoing digital revolution holds the potential to unveil unforeseen possibilities which could challenge and overturn traditional research methodologies and allow entirely new opportunities for music research. This conference aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue between music technology scholars and historical musicologists and to promote scholarly discussions on the applicability and usability of digital technologies to boost music research.
– Digital technologies that have revolutionized music research
– Digital archiving of musical heritage
– Challenges in digital music preservation
– How digital technologies help make music sources more accessible to researchers and musicians
– Key challenges in applying digital technologies to music research
– Ways in which large-scale search and music analysis are reshaping research questions
– Successful music research projects that utilized digital technologies
– Music encoding
– Digital tools for analysing chant and secular monophonic song
– How the role of digital technologies in music research evolved over time
– Ways to effectively incorporate digital technologies into historical musicological research
– How digital technologies enhance, or hinder, the process of music research
– How digital technologies can benefit the study and preservation of early music
– Utilizing AI in music analysis
– Digital ethnomusicology
Keynote Speakers
o Ichiro Fujinaga, McGill University
o Jennifer Bain, Dalhousie University
Guest speakers
o Debra Lacoste, Dalhousie University
o Kathleen Nelson, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney
o Santiago Ruiz Torres, Universidad de Salamanca
o Craig Stuart Sapp, Stanford University, CCARH/PHI
o Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Czech Academy of Sciences – University Basel
A selection of papers will be invited for open access publication in a special issue and in a book (venues to be announced). Participants will be asked to submit extended versions of their papers and an ad-hoc scientific committee will monitor the quality and originality of the texts.
Paper and poster proposals should be sent to and include the name of the author/s, institutional affiliation, title, abstract (c.400 words for papers, c.200 words for posters) and 3-5 keywords.
Deadline for proposals: 18 February 2024.
Notification of acceptance: 8 March 2024.
Conference: 27-29 June 2024.
Submission of final texts of invited papers for the book and the special issue: 30 September 2024.
Program committee
Elsa De Luca, CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon (program committee chair)
Claire Arthur, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza, Universidad de Alicante
João Pedro d’Alvarenga, CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon
Zuelma Paula Miranda Duarte Chaves, CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon
Manuel Pedro Ferreira, CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon
Jan Hajic, Charles University Prague
Debra Lacoste, Dalhousie University
David Lewis, University of Oxford eResearch Centre
Alberto Medina de Seiça, CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon
Stefan Morent, Universität Tübingen
Fabian Moss, Institut für Musikforschung | Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Kathleen Nelson, SCM, University of Sydney
David Rizo Valero, Universidad de Alicante
Santiago Ruiz Torres, Universidad de Salamanca
Mark Saccomano, Hochschule für Musik Detmold / Universität Paderborn
Craig Stuart Sapp, Stanford University, CCARH/PHI
Martha Thomae Elias, CESEM-IN2PAST, NOVA University Lisbon
Konstantinos Vasilakos, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Czech Academy of Sciences – University Basel
Organizing committee
Elsa De Luca
Adriana Simão
Beatriz da Silva Anjos
Carla Crespo
CESEM Science Management Team
Francesco Orio
Inês Nunes Trindade
João Pedro d’Alvarenga
Manuel Pedro Ferreira
Matilde Chumbo Ezequiel
Rui Araújo
Zuelma Chaves
The conference will be in-person only, with online streaming of the project conference accessible to registered users. The conference will be followed by two project workshops (29 June, afternoon): ECHOES (led by Elsa De Luca, Martha Thomae, Antoine Phan) and LinkedMusic (led by Ichiro Fujinaga).
Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts in the field of digital music research!